As I mentioned in a few threads before, I have always been interested in the so-called "reproductive aging", both in males and females. There is solid evidence that gonadal function declines with age and as such the synthesis and circulating levels of protective steroids like testosterone (T), progesterone (P4), DHEA, and pregnenolone (P5) declines in both men and women. Initially, this decline is buffered to a degree by increased adrenal activity and DHEA synthesis. But with advancing age, the adrenal layers that synthesis DHEA tend to atrophy, leaving cortisol and estrogen to rule unopposed.
Actually, total T levels in men do not decline with age but this appears to be due to decreased clearance, while de-novo synthesis in the Leydig cells does decline quite markedly with aging, in parallel to falling levels of pregnenolone, progesterone and DHEA. In women, after menopause progesterone, pregnenolone and DHEA levels decline just as sharply as they do in males (see below).
In addition, other studies have demonstrated in both humans and animals that lowering prolactin and/or raising dopamine levels also has beneficial effects on gonadal function. It is now common to treat both male and female sexual dysfunction with dopamine agonists like bromocriptine, and the studies that also examined changes in steroid balance noticed normalization of gonadal function concurrent with the improvement in sexual function. This is not surprising as anti-prolactin/pro-dopamine chemicals tend to reduce estrogen synthesis and thus their overall effects are (functionally) similar to those or aromatase inhibitors. As a side note, it is not just dopamine agonists that have these beneficial effects on gonadal function, but any also any other intervention that results in increase in dopamine synthesis, decrease in its degradation (e.g. MAO-B inhibition), inhibition of its uptake, etc.
Given the mechanisms/parthways described above, we narrowed down the ingredient options to several substances. Namely, we selected α-naphthoflavone (ANF), also known as 7,8-benzoflavone (BZF), as the ingredient to address the aromatase inhibition. In addition, we selected flavanone to address the cortisol synthesis inhibition and MAO-B inhibition. Interestingly, there are studies showing flavanone also has aromatase inhibition effects, and that there is a synergistic effect in combining a flavone (e.g. apigenin) with a flavanone (e.g. naringenin). In the case of Gonadin the flavone is ANF/BZF, and the flavanone is..well...the (unsubstituted) flavanone
"..."...NMR and MS measurements after the second fractionation revealed MP and MO in the last active fraction (II/E) of the raw DM. Although MO alone had no effect on androgen-sensitive organs, MP (similarly to raw DM) increased the weights of the androgen sensitive organs (except the prostate) and these effects were flutamide-sensitive. Palmitate is known to play a role in steroidogenesis: it is able to increase the DHEA level through its CYP17 activity (Bellanger et al., 2012). A fatty acid infusion has been reported to elevate human androgen production in both sexes (Mai et al., 2006, 2008). MP was recently proved to inhibit carrageenan-induced paw oedema by reducing the prostaglandin E2 level (Saeed et al., 2012), an effect which might indicate a steroidogenesis-inducing property. Since DHEA alone has a weak androgenic effect, the putative DHEA-elevating effect of MP may explain in part the response of androgen-sensitive organs. The androgenic dose (25 μg/kg) of MP alone did not alter the plasma testosterone level, but its combination with MO in high dose exhibited plasma testosterone-increasing effect, similarly to the action of raw DM. It is known that oleic acid has a weak 5-α- reductase inhibitory effect, preventing testosterone conversion to dihydrotestosterone, whereas the esterified analogues of oleic acid (like MO) are ineffective in this respect (Liu et al., 2009). As yet we have no explanation as to why the combination of MP and MO increases the plasma testosterone level in rat. Nevertheless, we have clearly shown that these two compounds have a major role in the main androgenic action of DM. Further studies are required to clarify the androgenic mechanisms of action of MO and MP.""
Interestingly, it is worth noting that when the palmitate ester (an SFA) was used on its own it only had androgenic effects. However, combined with an oleate ester (a MUFA) it also raised T levels in the castrated rats. This synergistic effect of saturated and mildly unsaturated substances has been seen in many other studies with steroids where the effects of combining a saturated steroids like androsterone are much more potent when it is combined with an unsaturated steroid like DHEA. The same effects have been seen with combinations of T/DHT and DHT/DHEA. So, I doubt the findings of this study are a coincidence, and this is what led me to add both the palmitate and oleate esters to the product.
In addition to methyl palmitate and methyl oleate, another SFA which has been found to have an androgenic effect is caprylic acid. I have posted other studies about caprylic (octanoic) acid in regards to its anti-cancer effects and anti-cortisol effects, which would be quite expected if it is indeed androgenic.
Novel phytoandrogens and lipidic augmenters from Eucommia ulmoides
"...Subsequent 1H NMR and GC analyses of active fraction CB showed the major presence of the 8-carbon polysaturated fatty acid, caprylic acid, along with other lipids (figure (figure1313 and table table1).1). Bioassays using pure caprylic acid and other polysaturated fatty acids (PFAs) correlated with the augmenting effect of E. ulmoides on the AR (figure (figure14)14) in varying degrees. Ethanolic extract of coconut (Cocos nucifera) flesh, rich in C-8 caprylic acid and other polysaturated fatty acids [11], replicated the hormone potentiating effect of both E. ulmoides extract and pure caprylic acid in AR bioassays (data not shown)."
Thus, in light of the published evidence for flavanone, ANF/BZF, and the fatty acid esters I decided to release the product Gonadin. Its primary purpose is endogenous steroid optimization, however, it may be able to do more than that judging from the studies in the "References" section below.
Gonadin is a liquid product for optimizing endogenous steroid synthesis. Its ingredients have been studied for aromatase inhbition (ANF/BZF, flavanone), cortisol synthesis inhibition (flavanone), MAO-B inhibition (flavanone), increasing androgen synthesis (methyl palmitate and methyl oleate), and increasing androgen receptor (AR) expression (caprylic acid). Based on the mechanisms described above and the studies referenced below, the combination of the four (4) ingredients (plus caprylic acid, present as one of the solvents) may help optimize the endogenous steroid balance.
Units per container: about 30
Unit size: 8 drops
Each unit contains the following ingredients:
Flavanone: 32mg
α-Naphthoflavone: 16mg
Methyl palmitate: 3.3mg
Methyl oleate: 3.3mg
Other ingredients: add product to shopping cart to see info
1. Inhibition of cortisol synthesis by flavanone and ANF.
"...Plasma cortisol levels were significantly higher with BNF in the present study and this BNF-mediated cortisol response was completely abolished with ANF suggesting a role for AhR and/or CYP1A in the regulation of plasma cortisol concentration. "
2. Aromatase inhibition (IC50: 5μM - 8μM) by flavanone.