This product does not really need any introduction to anybody familiar with Peat's work. I have wanted to release it for a long time but over the last few months the studies I found related to the anabolic and anticatabolic effects of progesterone, combined with the fact that Peat has told quite a few people over email that he used this combination of steroids, convinced me that it is worth it.
Unlike other products, there won't be as many references listed in support of this product but I think even the few ones below are enough to give an idea about its properties.
The name CortiNon was coined due to the known main effects of both progesterone and DHEA - i.e. antagonism to cortisol: (1) at the receptor level (progesterone); (2) enzymatically (11b-HSD1 & 11bHSD2) and functionally by both progesterone and DHEA.
The units listed on the label are just for measurement purposes. They do not indicate or suggest optimal dose. Please note that similar to the liquid products sold by companies like Sigma Aldrich, Spectrum Chemical, Alfa Aesar, etc, this product if for lab/research use only.
CortiNon is a combination of the steroids progesterone and DHEA, which have a number of desirable properties as demonstrated by numerous studies - i.e. anti-glucocorticoid, anti-inflammatory, anti-endotoxin, anti-viral, anti-mutagenic, antimicrobial, anti-cancer, anxiolytic, antidepressant, and generally anti-aging.
Drops per container: about 360
Each drop contains the following ingredients:
Progesterone (USP): 3mg
DHEA (USP): 1mg
Other ingredients: add product to shopping cart to see info
Anti-Catabolic / Myotrophic / Androgenic
1. Progesterone
The Anti-cortisol Mechanism Of Progesterone
The Anabolic Effects Of Progesterone
Progesterone Is As Anabolic For Muscle As Testosterone (in Women)
DHEA, In Low Doses, Directly Inhibits Cortisol Synthesis
DHEA Enhances Cortisol Degradation
DHEA Has Very Similar Anabolic Activity To DHT
Low-dose DHEA Inhibits Aromatase By 35% And Endotoxin Blocks That Effect
3. Combination
The Requirements For An Optimal Anticatabolic / Anabolic Substance (progesterone + DHEA)
Ray Peat Email Advice Depository
6-Ketoprogesterone and its biological actions. - PubMed - NCBI
"...The results are summarized in Table 6. The extracts of the samples, in which progesterone and dehydroepiandrosterone were used as substrate resulted in the strongest hypertrophy of the preputial gland and had the strongest myotrophic action of all. Both of the actions of the products which come from the incubation of the villus with 17(a)-hydroxyprogesterone were much weaker."